Course Creation Process

Our course creation process is based on the ADDIE model – Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation – as well as agile project management strategies.

Each module or unit will move through the following steps as soon as it is ready, so the content continues to be designed & developed simultaneously. ie. Our developer will be creating Module 1 while our instructional designer has Module 2 well underway…

As a result, we’re able to create high quality modules in record time.

1 module = 1-2  weeks.

Analysis & Planning

  • Needs Analysis: Target Audience, Skills & Output Goals
  • Course Outline & Storyboard: Learning Outcomes, Topics, Activities

Content Design

  • Establish SME relationships including workflow, templates, tracking systems & timelines
  • Instructional Design review for submitted content- clarity, consistency, alignment, engagement & feedback
  • Multimedia sourcing for visual appeal & content enhancement
  • Incorporation of inclusion and diversity principles

Content Development

  • Module/Unit creation in rapid authoring software: HTML, Storyline 360, Rise, Pressbooks, etc.
  • Multimedia Creation: custom graphics, videos, copyright compliance
  • Accessibility: AODA & WCAG 2.0 compliant components

QA & Sign-Off

Implement & Evaluate

  • Prepare course files for LMS implementation: SCORM, xAPI, AICC
  • Finalize Supplementary Resources: Instructor’s Guide, Learner Instructions
  • Develop Course/Training Evaluation Survey